Saturday, March 15, 2008


I'm spending the first part of this evening with my daughter who is working on a research paper for school. It's a project called the Junior Research Project (JRP) and she's behind schedule. My wife is at a monthly music series in town called Coffee with Conscience and I'd rather be there. The compromise that we've reached is that I'll stay here for a while to keep her on track and we'll both go after the intermission in the show. I suppose that's fair since she keeps her on track most of the week.

My daughter's paper is on the influence of the bicycle in America. I think that she's enjoying doing the research and I'm enjoying hearing about it. We're both fans of bicycling particularly the long scenic kind of ride.

We spent the afternoon at my Mom's house. She's been in good spirits lately. It was a short visit since we had to get back for the coffee house. She didn't seem to mind. She was uncomfortable when we left, though. I wish we could do more for her but there doesn't seem to be anything to be done for her pain. If she would do the physical therapy if might help but she seems to never had a taste for doing anything physical and at 89 she's not about to change her ways.

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