Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Busy Evenings

I much prefer evenings when I have something planned to those that I don't. It's generally pretty quiet around our house on weekday evenings. My daughter does her homework or procrastinates on the computer and my wife does quiet activities and often naps. She's a late night person and usually begins some activity when I'm about to turn in. After dinner I sometimes find myself at loose ends.

Sometimes before I leave work I'll make a list of the things that I want to get done that night. If I can get through the list I go to bed a bit more content.

Tonight I developed a roll of film in the darkroom, washed the dinner dishes, paid both our bills and my Mom's bills and, after I finish this post, will get our income tax stuff ready to be mailed.

It's the little things that make life pleasant.

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