Thursday, March 13, 2008

Job Applications

For the first time in almost 9 months I've sent out a resume for a job. I've always felt that it would be more fun and manageable to work in a college or university setting and yesterday an alert from popped into my e-mail. It's an IT manager position in their Graduate School of Journalism. I have most of the qualifications and I hope that seeing my 12 plus years at The Times will wow them.

Do I want to switch jobs now? Maybe. I'm not crazy about the work that I'm doing or the people that I'm working for and with. Sometimes I think that I can wait it out until the environment changes but it looks like more layoffs are coming so I'll either be laid off myself or have to work many times harder to compensate for the people that are.

Today I was booked into 5 hours of meetings. I'm never sure when I'm supposed to do any real work when you spend so much time talking about work. Tomorrow is not much better with a solid 3 hours in the afternoon tied up in chatter. Just when I'd like to be winding down we have to talk and get wired up. I didn't get home tonight until 7:45. I did a little paper work and applied for that job.

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