Sunday, December 16, 2007


Today was the first lazy day I've had in a long time and I truly appreciated it.

My daughter and I just returned from seeing the Disney movie Enchanted. It's not a deep or important film but it was fine entertainment for a cold night at the end of a a rainy, icy, dreary day. The story revolves around a cartoon fairy tale princess who through the machinations of an evil queen finds herself in very real New York City. It's a clever premise and we both enjoyed it. Again, not high drama but it would rate an 8 on my entertainment scale.

The rest of the day was spent reading the newspaper and getting familiar with my new negative scanner. We're going through some old negatives that were hiding in drawers in my mother's house and discovering some treasures. This should keep us occupied for the next few weeks of winter.

We didn't venture out until the late afternoon. We took a walk over to Radio Shack that turned out to be unproductive. We stopped after that in a Pathmark supermarket where they've set up a little cafe. Hot lattes on a cold afternoon, what could be better?

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