Thursday, April 3, 2008

It's Not Getting Much Better

We seem to be back in a silly season at work. By that I mean that my days seem to be consumed by meetings. It's a little hard to actually do anything when all you do is meet about doing things.

Yesterday we had a bit of a systems failure. The procedure is now to open a general conference bridge so that everyone can be kept up to date on what's going on. At one point I realized that there were only 2 people on the call who could actually do anything about the problem but there were 6 "pointy headed bosses" that were asking for status. It was an outbreak of management!

Thursdays are generally my worst day of the week followed closely by Fridays. Everyone seemed to have a bad day today. Lenore had an argument with Raisa and our neighbor who I fondly call "Big Mike". He's not really big but his name is Mike. I just like the way it sounds. At the end of today I realized that I'd done practically nothing. It wasn't that I was just sitting around but the breaks between meetings were so short that I couldn't get to anything on my "to do" list. Tomorrow I have a vendor coming in from 10 - 1 and 3 hours of meetings after that.

Maybe next week will be better but I doubt it.

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