Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm Back!

I hadn't really disappeared, just from the blog. It's not that I've had nothing to write about but my laziness has overwhelmed me a bit. I've spent too many evenings watching old Star Trek (the original series) on DVD. I am vowing now to be more productive.

I'm currently reading a travel book called Tales From the Torrid Zone by Alex Frater. It's a bit of a memoir and a bit of a guide to the strange part of the world between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. From this comes a thought for the day. The author is contemplating life in the tropics, noting how there is a very obvious interplay between rotting things and growing things,

"... man's ultimate role, I told myself, is to supply the trace elements which nourish higher plants and lower animals. Each of us ends up fertilizing something, yet in the tropics it's all so wildly accelerated the whole region seems to be feeding constantly on itself."

That made me stop and think for a few minutes. Then the bus got to the bus station and I went to work.

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