Monday, September 8, 2008

An Outbreak of Management

Where I work everyone is either a manager, a director, a managing director, a group director, or a senior something or other. There are almost no junior anythings. As a result, everyone is busy managing and no one actually makes a decision or does any of the real work. I think that my fondest days at this job were when I was the lowest grade of professional at the company. I used to joke that I was the bottom of the food chain so everyone should feel free to boss me around. The truth is that I was left alone much of the time and I got a lot done and was rewarded for it.

Now I'm a manager but with so many management types no one has any real authority. So we have lots of meetings where no one decides anything and we wait for things to come to a crisis before we actually get around to doing anything and then we have some vice president (I didn't mention them above) who really isn't qualified to be making technical decisions making technical decisions. Frustrating. I'm trying to find tasks for myself that no one else wants. I'm trying to find my way back to my roots.

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