Monday, June 9, 2008

We're Having a Heat Wave

The daytime temperatures have been in the mid-nineties. I really have no desire to go outside. In the world it's steamy outside and comfortable inside plus I don't really have anything to do out there.

I did make it out the last two days but only in the early morning. I biked yesterday and ran this morning. I feel like I should be feeling guilty but I'm not feeling anything like that. I'm just trying to stay productive indoors. Going to work doesn't count since I'm never outside for more than 5 minutes.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Caught up on your blog life. Should put in your trip with Raisa to LH. Liked the newsletter story. It was always difficult to get kids to generate articles for the newspaper at Midlakes. The funny thing was, there they were paying someone to be an advisor for the newsletter but never produced one because he reported that no kids wanted to write for it. When another teacher produced newsletters with her class for a few years then tried to get the monies for the postition she was told that they were cutting it from the budget to save money since nobody wanted to write for the newsletter. Another example of paying people for not producing and penalizing anyone who does work. I know in education people are for anything 100 percent, that is free.
That's all for now on that topic. Barbara and Susan are home safe. I think they had a great time. I was a judge at the 4 H County Pavilion in Woodworking. Kids did some simple and elegent projects. The women folks when to the crafts show on main street Canandaigua, to look around. We all meet at a lovely rock beach and watched the wind and ducks go by. In the evening we played "Fictionary" and watched "Persepolis". I am always inthralled by the many forms of animation.
Tomorrow it's Temple Picnic time. My Euphonium practice is coming along it tends to be a flow experience. By the by the books "Flow" and "Positive Addictions" talk about the psychology of jogging and biking. I was told that distance running will induce a meditative state from which one may recreate (remember) lost dreams and solve problems whose solutions are hidden in consciousness. That's it for now keep up the writing.
Love to all,