Thursday, February 7, 2008


Tonight and tomorrow mark the 7th anniversary of my father's death. On that date on the Hebrew calendar, the 2nd of Adar, we light a candle in his memory. Tomorrow I'll also go to the synagogue down the block from my office and say the Kaddish prayer.

It's hard to believe that 7 years have gone by. I miss him but not the way he was in his last years. He was unhappy and he made those around him unhappy. I remember him in his better years when he was full of life and a great role model. When I think of him I want my children to feel the same way towards me as I felt for him most of my life. He was quiet, smart, and respectful.

I'm feeling tired this evening. Hopefully, it's not a cold or the flu but I will retire early.

On the bus ride home I finished The Collaborator of Bethlehem by Matt Beynon Rees. It's a mystery set in the Palestinian city in the shadow of the intifida and the intrigues among the variou local factions. What's curious about this is that it concentrates on the intricacies of Palestinian life and the Israeli conflict plays only a minor part. A disturbing story but a fresh perspective.

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